Van den Berg Thesis Prize 2020: the nominees
The thesis... Revered by some as the crown on their studies; dreaded by others as the final stumbling block. But no matter how you look at it, the successful completion of a thesis is a remarkable achievement. Some students master the craft so well, that they do not only receive a high grade, but also a nomination for the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg Thesis Prize. This prize is awarded every year to the best bachelor’s thesis in Political Science written at Leiden University. This year 12 candidates have made it to the two shortlists. Who authored the very best theses? We will find out on Monday 12 and Thursday 22 October 2020.
International Relations and Organisations: the shortlist
Simon Chauchard and Daniel Thomas face the difficult task of picking a winner from a very strong field. The outcome of their studies and deliberation will be announced on Thursday 22 October, during the graduation ceremony of the BSc Political Science: International Relations and Organisations in the Pieterskerk in Leiden.
- D. Baleva, ‘Normative Power in Europe in Trade? Assessing the Role of the European Union as a Normative Actor in the Challenged Success of its ‘’Everything but Arms’’ Agreement with Cambodia.’ (supervisor Dr. Nikki Ikani)
- E.E. Hagberg, ‘When Ideology Meets Strategy: EU Issue Mobilisation by the Radical Left.’ (supervisor Dr. Nikoleta Yordanova)
- K. Hudson, ‘Understanding Euroscepticism Among Britain’s Commonwealth Citizens: An Analysis of the Commonwealth‘s Voting Intention in the Brexit Referendum.’ (supervisor Dr. Nikoleta Yordanova)
- M. Münch, ‘The Impact of Argricultural Intensification on Civil Conflict in Africa.’ (supervisor Dr. Babak Rezaeedaryakenari)
- F. Schnatz, ‘The European Neighbourhood Policy. Opportunity or Impediment to North Africa’s Economic Independence?’ (supervisor Dr. Michael Sampson)
- L. Van Zoelen, ‘Legal Interpretation of Cyber Attacks in the Discourse of International Organisations.’ (supervisor Prof. Dr. Müge Kinacioglu)
Politicologie/Internationale Politiek: the shortlist
The jury for the programme BSc Politicologie an the specialisation Internationale Politiek, consisting of SPIL-delegate Rex van der Kruit (student-member and chair), Joop van den Berg, Martijn Mos and Hilde van Meegdenburg, is currently deep reading the nominated theses. The winner will be announced during the diploma ceremony on Monday 12 October 2020 in the Leiden Academy Building.
- J. Bijleveld, ‘Revisiting the Modernization Theory: Economic Development and its Effect on Democracy in Gabon and Botswana.’ (supervisor Dr. Leila Demarest)
- O.J. Knoester, ‘Cross-Border Impacts of Terrorism: A Study on the Influence of Place and Distance.’ (supervisor Dr. Thijs van Dooremalen)
- S. Kolvoort, ‘Overtuigingen in de veiligheidspolitiek: Splijtzwam of verrijking?’ (supervisor Dr. F.E. Bakker)
- A. Mondrian, ‘Beyond the Security Frame? Media Framing of the Refugee Crisis in Central and Eastern European Countries.’ (supervisor Dr. M.F. Meffert)
- W. de Rijk, ‘Collective Identity in Non-Hierarchical Social Movements. The Case of Extinction Rebellion.’ (supervisor Prof. Dr. Petr Kopecký)
- O. Timmermans, ‘De zoektocht naar integriteit: Een kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzoek naar de invloed van bevolkingsgrootte op de mate van politieke corruptie.’ (supervisor Dr. Wouter Veenendaal)