Send us a photo of yourself with your diploma!
With a wall full of people who preceded them as a backdrop, the (bachelor) Science graduates will receive their diplomas this autumn. Send in your photo and help the Faculty of Science create a great experience for the new graduates in this time of 1.5m distancing.
‘Gezellige’ 1.5m setting for graduation ceremony
Due to obligatory 1.5m distancing it is no longer possible, as has become tradition, to have a large ceremony in a full lecture hall in which BSc graduates are called forward one by one to sign their diplomas. Instead, they will walk down a 'signing lane' where they will sign and receive their diploma. To make this 'lane' as festive as possible, we ask Science alumni to send in a photo of themselves with their diploma. A large wall full of these photos will then act as ‘gezellige’ decoration when the graduate walks through the 'lane' alone.
Submit an old or new photo!
Would you like to give our new graduates the feeling that they are not the only ones who obtained their degree from the Faculty of Science? Then please share your photo with us! Whether you graduated in the 60s or a year ago. With a Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral or PhD degree. Whether it is in the faculty, at Barrera on the terrace, in the hortus or at home, it doesn't matter. As long as you are proudly holding your diploma. It can be an old photo from when you received your diploma (tip: take a picture with your phone of the old picture if it isn't digital!), but it can also be a recent photo in which you are holding your diploma. We would like to receive your photo before Monday 21 September.
Protection of personal data
By submitting your photo, you agree that we will use your photo for the decoration of the graduation ceremonies and any reporting of the 'signing lane'.