Master’s thesis prize 2020: the nominees
As a Leiden University’s master’s student in Political Science you conduct independent research and report your findings to fellow academics and, who knows, to a larger audience. Your thesis is a showcase of your academic skills and personal interest, and perhaps even passion. Easier said than done, we know. On the other hand, every year you students manage to produce quality work. And some theses are so good, that we gladly put them in the spotlights and proudly nominate them for our annual Master’s Thesis Prize. In 2020, 7 students made it to the shortlist; on 26 October we will know who climbed to the number one spot.
The jury, this year consisting of Maria Spirova and Michael Meffert, is currently examining the following theses. The winner will be announced during the master’s graduation ceremony on Thursday 26 October 2020 in the Academy Building in Leiden.
The shortlist
- N.W. Back, ‘The never-ending politics of evidence. Exploring the impact of the use of big data on European burden-sharing in migration governance: A game theoretical perspective.’ (supervisor Rutger Hagen MA)
- B. Bánhidi, ‘Invisibility of the Hungarian Roma in the lived experience of the Hungarian non-Roma majority.’ (supervisor Dr. Francesco Ragazzi)
- R. Gösker, ‘Backsliding Democracies in the Digital Age.’ (supervisor Dr. Roos van der Haer)
- H. ‘t Hart, ‘Explaining the Spitzenkandidaten’s institutional emergence in the European Union.’ (supervisor Dr. Martijn Mos)
- G. Koumarelas, ‘International Regime Complexes in Crisis: State-centric Preconditions for the Institution of Regime Complex Hierarchies.’ (supervisor Dr. Nicolas Blarel)
- J.W.B. Quintanilla, ‘Subtle persuasion: the role of absence and impossibility in war videogames.’ (supervisor Francesco Ragazzi)
- P. Tanrikulu, ‘Gender-Attitudes of Turks in the Netherlands: Does Social Integration Work?’ (supervisor Dr. Matthew Longo)
- D. van der Vlist, ‘Parliament as steppingstone? An analysis of post-parliamentary careers.’ (supervisor Dr. Marijn Nagtzaam)
- D. Vrolijk, ‘The Double-Edged Sword of Power-Sharing: The Interactions between Consociationalism and the Politics of Identity in Burundi.’ (supervisor Dr. Vasiliki Tsagkroni)