Online reunion: five years of BAIS Alumni
Recently, the BAIS Alumni Association organised their yearly reunion. Due to the current circumstances, there was a twist: the reunion – as many events that are currently being organized – took place online. This was a perfect solution for a Bachelor programme that finds its students from all over the world; there were people present from various time zones.
The importance of building a network and supporting each other
The BAIS alumni that attended were treated to a special event. There were speeches from staff members Maria Gabriela Palacio Ludeña and Sarita Koendjbiharie about the qualities of the BA International Studies. Both agreed that what makes this programme unique and succesful, is its engaged student body and the multidisciplinary approach to current issues. Maria encouraged the alumni to stay connected and keep exchanging ideas. Sarita emphasized the importance of building a network and supporting each other. Both speeches were very inspiring.
There were video messages from former and current professors, and there was plenty of time for the alumni to reminisce about their favourite professors, classes, and afterschool activities. Maria and Sarita caught up with their former students and were updated on their lives. The Bachelor International Studies has led the alumni to a variety of career paths, which made for some very interesting discussions. While some alumni have chosen to go into journalism and finance, others are working for thinkthanks, lobby organisations and the UN. One alumna has even started her own NGO!
To top it off, the BAIS Alumni Association held a quiz testing alumni’s knowledge on classic BAIS theory and quotes. Alumnus Arón Miszlivetz managed to win first place. Congratulations!
If you’re interested in keeping in touch with the BAIS Alumni Association, please follow their facebook page.