LUC The Hague Introduction Week 2020
The logistics and organisation of LUC’s introduction week 2020 were put under the spotlight this year in light of the restrictions which remain in place with respect to COVID-19. In the face of adversity, LUC rose to the challenge and met the learning curve with patience, dedication and resilience.
The health and safety of the LUC community remained LUC’s top priority from an administrative, residential and educational standpoint. From a logistical perspective it posed an unprecedented challenge in both scale and stakes, as LUC welcomed the Class of 2023 in the midst of a global pandemic.
Patience and Perseverence
The week was organized with specific attention paid to the safety of all involved. Logistically this was translated through the virtual facilitation of large scale events and social engagements. The week was designed in close collaboration with the input of this year’s head mentors Tessa Dool and Diva Estanto, in order to deliver a memorable and warm experience to the incoming cohort. Inclusion lay at the heart of the programme and throughout the week a virtual introduction week was facilitated for students arriving from countries flagged red or orange by the Dutch government, or for those unable to join due to travel restrictions.
The biggest change that was seen this year was the shift in allocating a week-long time frame for the moving-in period in place of a single day. Across a week long period LUC saw the majority of the new 203 students successfully move into their new home’s on campus.
The Programme
Dean Prof dr. Judi Mesman kicked off the introductory programme by extending a warm welcome to the class of 2023. Students were guided by LUC support staff and community members through the ins-and-outs of LUC The Hague. Throughout the week students were introduced to LUC formalities which included; A speech from SLO Lenore Todd; A comprehensive introduction to a Liberal Arts & Sciences education by Dr. Brandon Zicha; An introduction to the study advisors and naturally all things Fortuna.
The class of 2023 spent time getting to know their mentor’s and the intricacies of student life at LUC, both virtually and from outdoor locations across The Hague. As in keeping with LUC tradition, introduction week was dotted with events designed to engage students in fun and creative ways which included an online cooking culture taster, a pyjama party movie night, an online tour of The Hague, and without fail an AirBand Battle.
Among the most popular events was the virtual AirBand Battle which was streamed live via the fourth-floor terrace and saw students join from the creative comfort of the Anna van Buerenplein building. As the week came to a close and the chant ‘LUC The Hague’ rang out across the city, the strength of community and collective learning garnered throughout the week was poignantly highlighted.
Educational Director of LUC Lieke Schreel checking out the Airband Battle from Terrace -
Class of 2023
Both the organisation and facilitation of introduction week for the class of 2023 was not without challenges. However in the face of adversity LUC rose, demonstrating commitment to the safety and well-being of its community while contributing to the complex learning curve of navigating the pandemic. The invaluable lessons learned during and after the two-week period will serve LUC across functions during the upcoming semester which will see LUC will facilitate hybrid teaching.
LUC hopes that the class of 2023 enjoyed their time together, acquired the tools they need to get started, and will hopefully treasure a memorable week! LUC will continue to put the community first as it dedicates its-self to doing what is best in such an incredibly new situation and time.
Impressions from the Introduction Week:
Janine Hoek, Head Residential Assistant: “Although this intro week was different, I enjoyed how everyone was keen to make the most of it. With a little glimpse of the LUC spirit at the end of the week with the airband battle. I hope you all felt welcomed in our community.”
Elizabeth Zeller, Head of Recruitment, Communication, Events and Admission at LUC The Hague: “The organization of this week came with its challenges to say the least. Though we planned the whole summer, and prepared as much as we could, taking into consideration all the national, international and health guidelines, organising such a large-scale event, during a pandemic will never be perfect, and will always provide us with opportunities to learn. Throughout the week we were really impressed at how our amazing mentors and students collaborated with the distancing rules, and engaged in virtual gatherings. However, we also realized how no matter how much one prepares, or tries to foresee the challenges, this current situation we find oruselves in is still too complex, and unsafe to be mindful and aware of all the gaps that may exist. It made many of us aware that one should always be thinking of what situation you put yourself in, as well as others. We have however used this past week as a learning moment of how we, as a community can move forward, be aware that we must do things differently (even though it sucks sometimes) to ensure safety for the community, and be patient with oursleves that this is a learning curve, and that it does take some time to know what is the best path to follow. ''
Diva Estanto and Tessa Doole, Head Mentors: ''Working on the first ever online introweek was challenging, but also very rewarding once we saw the final result. Throughout the week students got to know each other, got to experience what LUC is like, and we got to end it like we always do: by having the big party at the airband battle. The entire week was a great success, thanks to the wonderful Introweek team!"
Article written by Jayne Fitzgerald.