Humboldt Research Fellowship awarded to Jannemieke Ouwerkerk
The German Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung has awarded a Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers to Jannemieke Ouwerkerk for her project ‘The Moral Limits of EU Criminal Law: A Rechtsguts-theory for the European Union’.

The aim of the awarded project is to enhance the development of a rational and legitimate EU criminalisation policy. To that end, the proposed research essentially comprehends a translation of the national law-based Rechtsguts-theory to EU criminal law, thereby offering a new perspective on criminalisation in the EU context.
The fellowship enables Ouwerkerk to conduct research at the universities of Bonn and Munich (6 months in total) and to collaborate with academics at these institutions, in particular with prof. Martin Böse and prof. Helmut Satzger.
Moreover, because ‘criminalisation’ is one of the main research areas of the Criminal Justice Research Programme, this fellowship may give impetus to broaden collaborations between criminal justice researchers from Leiden, Bonn and Munich.