Leiden Lockdown Lab Lore
Leiden Lockdown Lab Lore is a series of short youtube videos aimed at keeping physicists lab instincts alive during the lockdown. This time, we have a physics contest: can you solve the Cola bubble mystery?
The natural habitat of the (non-theoretical) physicist is the lab, but the Corona virus has forced us out for quite some time now. This is why we started Leiden Lockdown Lab Lore, a series of not too long, not too formal youtube videos, to keep the tinkering spirits alive (even as lab access is returning very slowly).
We've had Stefan Semrau telling about their favorite physics phenomenon, we've had Tjerk Oosterkamp regaling the anecdote about the experiment that had to be broken to work. We've had students Maaike Westerdijk and Louw Feenstra telling about their home experiments (in Dutch).
We've had Michiel de Dood tell about his favorite physics youtube video about Pool vortices.
And now we have Technical Education Support staff member Paul Logman writing out a physics competition: who will provide a proper physical explanation for his mysterious Cola bubbles phenomenon? The best submission by 26 June will be properly awarded: send to logman@physics.leidenuniv.nl
In the mean time we will be looking for physicists, theoretical and experimental, willing to share their lab lore with us. Ping us at wayenburg@physics.leidenuniv.nl
Paul Logman and the Cola Bubble Mystery (Dutch, English subtitles)
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Watch the video on the original website orStefan Semrau about Viscous Fingering
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Watch the video on the original website orStudent Louw Feenstra and his Lego interferometer (Dutch)
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Watch the video on the original website orTjerk Oosterkamp about the Lead Zeppelin
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Watch the video on the original website orStudent Maaike Westerdijk about synchronizing metronomes (Dutch)
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