ARTificial Intelligence Lab offers residency at Leiden Observatory
The European ARTificial Intelligence Lab is now offering artists working with Artificial Intelligence the chance for a residency at the Leiden Observatory and the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Entries are possible until 22 July 2020
The residency call is managed and organized by Ars Electronica in collaboration with the Leiden Observatory. The residency theme for this open call is Astronomy x AI. By using experimental methods and technological approaches like artificial intelligence, the Leiden Observatory aims at understanding what we actually see when observing such an ungraspable thing as the Universe.
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AI LabEuropean ARTificial Intelligence Lab
The AI Lab - Residency 'European ARTificial Intelligence Lab. Astronomy x AI' is advertised within the framework of the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab - AI Lab for short. The network initiated by Ars Electronica in 2018 includes 15 renowned institutions from the fields of art and science throughout Europe. The AI Lab is aimed at artists who work with AI applications and/or reflect on their use and effects on our society. The initiative is financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Leiden Observatory
Leiden Observatory is the astronomical institute of the Faculty of Science of Leiden University. Established in 1633, it is the oldest university observatory in operation today, with a very rich tradition. Leiden Observatory carries out world class research in the formation of structures in the universe and the origin and evolution of galaxies, the detection and characterization of exoplanets, and the formation of stars and planetary systems. The institute consists of about 35 faculty and adjunct faculty, 50 postdoctoral researchers, 50 MSc and 80 PhD students, and 30 support staff. They offer an excellent educational programme at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels and a renowned PhD programme. Within the Faculty of Science, the institute closely collaborates with the Leiden Institute of Physics, the Mathematical Institute and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science.
Ars Electronica
Ars Electronica is a globally unique platform for art, technology and society based in Linz that has been analysing and commenting on the digital revolution since 1979. The focus is always on current developments and possible future scenarios and how these will change people's lives.