Working from home? HRM training courses are now online
From time management and mindfulness to online leadership. Nearly all of the training courses, coaching sessions and introductions offered by HRM Learning & Development are now online. Programme coordinator Jasmijn Mioch and trainee Marleen Zwetsloot explain the options.
Dozens of training courses had been planned for this spring, just when the corona crisis broke out. A huge setback? Not really, say Jasmijn Mioch and Marleen Zwetsloot. Many training courses were already blended as it is known: a combination of online and in-person. What is more, the range of courses had already increased with addition of numerous online training courses from New Heroes, the University’s training partner. The Learning & Development staff and trainers adapted the programmes at a rapid rate. This means that of the 34 planned training courses, 22 can go ahead as planned. Zwetsloot and Mioch gave webinars for the trainers on how to convert their courses into online ones.

Adjusted programme
Trainer Marion Miezenbeek was really glad of the support: ‘The biggest challenge for me was finding my way around Teams so that everything runs smoothly. My course has been adapted to include additional short breaks and a variety of methods. The first reactions have been very positive. The participants found it intensive but said they learned a lot.’ The courses on offer can be found in the course catalogue. Select e-Learning as method and the online training courses will appear at the bottom of the page.
Hospitality course
Is there much need for training in these uncertain and for many staff more stressful times? Yes, some courses are more popular than ever, say Zwetsloot and Mioch. Many UFB staff, for instance, are less busy than usual now the buildings are almost empty, so they have time for an online course in hospitality.
Healthy University @Home
And do researchers feel like training now they have to keep on top of their research and teaching from home? Mioch: ‘The training courses have been adapted to the new situation. Young researchers in particular have told us they want to follow courses in subjects such as time management, blogging, mindfulness and how to break the taboo about talking about stress.’ She mentions the Healthy University @Home , which offers plenty of tips on how to make working from home as pleasant an experience as possible, both physically and mentally. The team is also developing a course on online leadership for managers, which will begin in June.
Working mostly from home is different for everyone, Zwetsloot and Mioch confirm. Some staff are really busy with their family and are finding it difficult to combine everything. Zwetsloot: ‘Others are feeling lonely and miss their colleagues. They may find it difficult to shut down their laptop, choosing to carry on working instead.’ Staff who are struggling with their mental health or with finding the right balance can receive online coaching. To make an appointment with a coach send an email to coacheshealthyuniversity@bb.leidenuniv.nl or call 071 527 3193.
Careers advice
Another option is career advice. If your contract is ending, you are looking for a new challenge in your work, you need coaching or would like more information from one of the career advisors, you can always make an appointment. The initial meeting is free and with no obligation. The meeting can be held in Teams or Skype or by phone. To make an appointment, contact loopbaanadvies@bb.leidenuniv.nl. And if you’d prefer to explore your options alone, see the Career Platform for some pointers.
Introduction day
New staff who have to find their bearings in the organisation in these exceptional times are a special target group. Online introduction days give them the opportunity get to know one another and the University with the aid of virtual tours, an introduction to the University’s history, a discussion of topical matters such as privacy and a chat session with Rector Carel Stolker. These introduction days will be held on 28 May from 9:30 to 11:30 (English) and on 15 June from 9:30 to 11:30 (Dutch).