Student parties faculty council intoduce themselves: Lijst Vooruitstrevende Studenten
This year’s University elections will be held from 25 to 29 May. You get to choose who will represent you this coming year in the University Council as well as the faculty council of the Science Faculty. This week, the various student parties will introduce themselves. Today: Lijst Vooruitstrevende Studenten.

In the coming year, LVS wants to make itself heard in the Science Faculty. We want to achieve the following
'Recording lectures: Every lecture hall should have to possibility to record lectures
'More freedom in choosing education: Required classes should not be held in the same period as electives. This allows students to follow a minor without incurring a delay in their study programme.
'Better job market information: To better prepare students for the labour market. there should be a bigger emphasis on non-academic jobs in job market orientation information.
'More spaces in restaurants: There should be more spaces avalaible in the restaurant in the Huygens building or the menu in the new Gorlaeus building should be expanded.
'Student members in institute boards: To include the student perspective in educational policy, every institute board should include a student member.
Find our candidates and more of our policy points on lvs-leiden.com, including our views on sustainability, inclusivity, digitization and student wellbeing.