Student parties faculty council intoduce themselves: Christelijke Studentenfractie Leiden
This year’s University elections will be held from 25 to 29 May. You get to choose who will represent you this coming year in the University Council as well as the faculty council of the Science Faculty. This week, the various student parties will introduce themselves. Today: Christelijke Studentenfractie Leiden

'CSL wants to commit itself to inclusivity, for example by making it possible for students with physical disabilities to use labs. We also want to commit ourselves to improving student welfare. We want student psychologists to be accessible and study advisors to have the means to help students with disabilities.
'We are in talks with the faculty to create a flowchart. This flowchart will provide students with a clear overview of university services. This will help guide students to find the right place to solve problems.
'The coronavirus has shifted all education online. We have to set clear guidelines to keep the quality of our education the same as before. Study delay caused by corona must be prevented, such as flexibly dealing with thesis deadlines. We also want to commit to sustainability by expanding the vegetarian selection in the faculty restaurant.'