Leiden University completely smoke-free starting August
From 1 August 2020, smoking on the premises of Leiden University will be prohibited. Dutch law obliges institutions of higher education to enforce a full smoking ban on their premises as of that date.
Leiden University, affiliated with the Healthy Universities Network, wants to offer staff members and students a healthy and smoke-free learning and working environment with smoke-free premises. The new policy helps people who want to quit smoking and protects non-smokers from smoke nuisance and passive smoking.
In anticipation of 1 August 2020, we would like to inform you about the measures that the university is taking to comply with the law. All students, employees and visitors will notice the changes in the vicinity of all university buildings. Some will be happy with the changes, others will find them difficult.
We will start with an information campaign about the new rules, both within the university and for local residents. After that, we will make announcements that smoking facilities will soon be removed. From July onwards, signs will be put up and paving stones placed that read ‘Smoke-free’. The smoking facilities, such as ashtray stones and poles, will be removed as well.
Group sessions are cancelled due to corona measures. Instead, the university encourages interested employees to follow one to one training by phone or digital coaching. Groups sessions will resume in due time, if circumstances allow and there is enough interest.
Want to quit smoking?
Do you want to quit smoking and could you use some help? Go to smokefree.gov or contact your general practitioner. Starting this year, health insurers will no longer charge excess for programmes that help people quit smoking.