Work It Wednesday
The second day of our online Well Being week is about productivity. We called it Work It Wednesday.
How do you stay productive?
On our Instagram (@leidenuniversityfgga) we asked you how do you stay productive at home. We received differtent types of answers like: Waking up every day the same time in a weekday. But not all of you agreed on that.
These corona times are very difficult to keep you motivated and productive the whole time. But of course that’s also not necessary. It’s good to focus on several things and also try to be grateful about it.
Webinar about efficiency during Corona times
This evening Wakker by Bakker organided a webinar about efficiency during Corona times. The webinar was online well visited and pro active. One of the advices of the webinar was try to make concrete steps. Step by step and try to work as mindful as possible in the present. That’s what we also are going to discuss tomorrow.
Technics for productivity and time management
Some technics for your productivity and time management are:
2 minute rule, Pomodoro technique and Eating the frog technic. Another important thing is focus. But try to focus on both thing on each day but not in the same moment. And be grateful about things you have done, also when it means that you will figure out a new hobby instead of all your to do’s for your job or study.
It’s climbing against a mountain sometimes, but try not to forget to enjoy the view during the journey.
Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible
-Francid of Assisi
We hope you tune in on our social media channels (see the right side of this page) tomorrow for the third day of the Well-being Week is about mind fulness and stay in the moment..