From Rapenburg Radio to #Snorona: Leiden University students in a time of coronavirus
Leiden University announced on 19 March 2020 that there would be no more face-to-face teaching for the rest of this academic year. That was a big decision with big consequences, but students in Leiden are staying positive and trying to make the best of it. Read on to be inspired by how Leiden students are coping in a time of coronavirus.
International research into coronavirus policy
Students at LUMC have joined forces with scientists in other countries to start a study into the measures that have been taken to fight this coronavirus. The students are carrying out a large-scale survey, asking people what they think about the measures taken by governments both within their own countries and internationally. They hope to use this data to help tackle the virus. Read more about the research (in Dutch) at NU.nl.

A group of Leiden students have started an initiative they call ‘#snorona’. Students are letting their moustaches grow to highlight the work of the Red Cross in these difficult times. The hashtag #snorona – a play on words using the Dutch word for moustache, ‘snor’, and the name of the virus (link in Dutch) – has brought the initiative to the attention of people all across the Netherlands. They’ve even set up a Snoronamovement Instagram page to share photographs of people who are letting their moustaches grow.
Getting (a lot of) quality time with your housemates
One unavoidable result of the coronavirus crisis has been that many families are working together at home for weeks on end. How does that work in a student house where 30 people all live together? Click the links below to find out how two Leiden student houses are taking on the challenge (articles in Dutch).
Hôpital Wallon: ‘Staying in with 30 people is something else’
Hooigracht 79: ‘About two thirds of us are at home – the rest are staying with their parents’
Flowers from Minerva
On Wednesday 15 April, members of the Leiden student association L.S.V. Minerva handed out more than a thousand flowers to the people of the city. The flower giveaway was organised to raise awareness of gewoonmensen.nl (link in Dutch), where you can register to support people who could use a little extra help at this difficult time. Read more about it (in Dutch) in the Leidsch Dagblad newspaper.

Rapenburg Radio
Two members of the Leiden student association L.V.V.S. Augustinus have created ‘Rapenburg Radio’ to cheer students up in these dull days. They’ve interviewed a diverse range of guests, from Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker to singer Dries Roelvink and distinctive Leiden band Barry Badpak! Read more about it (in Dutch) in the Leidsch Dagblad newspaper.
Click here to listen to Rapenburg Radio