Online ARC session Sound, Technology and Listening
On 14th April the ARC session Sound, Technology and Listening, dedicated to the presentation of work carried out at the Institute of Sonology at the Royal Conservatoire, took place through an online public platform. Four students from the second-year research master's at the Institute of Sonology did a 15-minute presentation of their work and engaged in a discussion.
The presentations exposed a rich variety of perspectives on the creative and critical use of sound and technology in current artistic practices. Tony Guarino's work deals with the role of materials and acoustic patterns that inhabit our everyday listening environment. His exploration, initiated by his background as a percussionist and led by his own performative engagement, aims to activate listening possibilities throughout works and resources which take place in a variety of public contexts.
Guzmán Calzada's work deals with the role of spaces, both through their architectural constitution and as "locations with inherent autobiographies", to inform the experience of musical sound. His work investigates technological frameworks that reveal the qualities of these spaces and become part of performative circumstances.
Eunji Kim's work is engaged with the integration of algorithmic composition and computer gaming strategies. The parallel between the notion of digital objects and sounding objects is a central point in her exploration of the enhanced role of sound in gaming platforms.
The last presentation of the evening was by Jad Saliba, whose hands-on exploration on the domain of radiobroadcast and electromagnetic wave transmission was exhibited through a recording of a performance he carried out at his home. Jad's work has been focused on the way to "create malleable sonic artefacts from a topography of broadcasted local radio stations".
The format allowed for a rich discussion which was led by the respondents, first-year master´s student Giulia Francavilla and Aleksandar Koruga and was followed online by an international audience. The session was convened and moderated by Gabriel Paiuk, faculty staff at the Institute of Sonology and PhD Candidate at ACPA.