NGL presents: biweekly lectures on Corona
The Natuurwetenschappelijk Gezelschap Leiden (Leiden Science Society) is organising short online evening lectures, every two weeks on Thursday, held by a Leiden scientist who will talk about an aspect of the Corona crisis from their expert point of view. NGL members, alumni, (former) employees, students and all other interested parties in the natural sciences are welcome to join for these lectures in the virtual NGL lecture room!
High-quality lectures on natural sciences for 150 years
For exactly a century and a half, the NGL has been organizing high-quality lectures to keep its members informed of research and insights into the natural sciences. In the early days, big names were on the list of members such as Lorentz, Kamerlingh Onnes and Kaiser. The company used to meet every two weeks, but today, this has been adapted to five major public lectures per academic year and an excursion exclusively for members. The NGL organises at least one lecture in English each year.
A temporary new normal: every two weeks a virtual NGL lecture about Corona
Now, during the Corona crisis, it is no longer possible to organise lectures at the Faculty and that, while the NGL members would like to receive high-quality scientific background information about this virus and how to battle it. The NGL therefore organizes a series of short half-hour online lectures every two weeks, starting Thursday 23 April. In every lecture a Leiden scientist will highlight a relevant aspect of the Corona crisis from his or her own expertise. After the lecture, as usual, there will be room for questions and discussion.
The NGL board invites everyone to join one or all of these lectures in the NGL lecture room. We ask non-members to register in advance for each lecture. The link to the registration form can be found in the description of each lecture.
View the upcoming lectures on the right side of this page.