Willemijn Aerdts appointed to peace and security committee
On 27 January 2020, the Minister for Foreign Affairs has appointed Willemijn Aerdts as a member of the permanent committee on peace and security. The appointment is for four years.

Willemijn Aerdts in an expert on intelligence- and security services. She lectures in the minor Intelligence Studies. Willemijn conducts research in regard to intelligence oversight and intelligence methodology.
Aerdts works at the Institute for Security and Global Afffairs (ISGA) within the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA).
On 27 January the Minister has decide to appoint mr. drs. W.J.M. (Willemijn) Aerdts and drs. D.H. (Dick) Zandee, starting 1 Januray 2020, as members of permanent Committee on Peace and Security. Prof. dr. J. (Jenny) Dankelman was appointed as a member to the permanent Committee on development aid.