Honorary Doctor Elizabeth de Lange honoured in Uppsala
Professor Elizabeth de Lange was honoured on 31 January by the University of Uppsala, which appointed her Honorary Doctor at the end of 2019. During the ceremony, De Lange received all three symbols of honour for an Honorary Doctorate: a hat, a diploma, and a ring. ‘An incredibly wonderful experience!’
The warm bond with Uppsala
De Lange was awarded the title for her excellent scientific contributions in the field of pharmacology. She was nominated by Uppsala Professor Margareta Hammarlund-Udenaes, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, with whom De Lange has a close relationship. ‘It is a great honour to receive an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Uppsala,’ says De Lange. ‘I have had a very good collaboration with Margareta's Translational Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic research group since 1992. In addition, I have organised many courses and symposia with her.’
Liesbeth de Lange receives the hat of honour from Professor Anna Orlova. ©Danish Saroee -
The ceremony in the auditorium of Uppsala University. ©Danish Saroee
An experience never to forget

De Lange not only loved the ceremony but also all the events around it. ‘On Thursday there was a lunch with the Honorary Doctors and an accompanying symposium, followed by a reception in the beautiful city library of the University of Uppsala and a dinner in Värmlands Nation. After dinner we had a two-hour rehearsal in the auditorium of the university, followed by another reception.’ And that wasn't all, De Lange says. ‘On Friday afternoon the beautiful ceremony, where I received the three symbols of honour, was concluded by another reception. And in the evening there was a grand dinner and party at Uppsala Castle. With about 700 guests in dress costume or festive evening dress, at large beautifully set tables, with beautiful music and a delicious dinner, with beautiful speeches and finally: dancing, alternately with my husband and my two sons. All in all an incredibly wonderful experience!’
A special place
For the brand new Honorary Doctor, the ceremony in Uppsala was not a farewell. ‘Wherever possible, I work with Uppsala and will continue to do so. Uppsala has become a second home to me, and the researchers there are hard workers who are dedicated and work together for each others’ best. That's what I appreciate and cherish.’