Digital classes about the language of lobbying in february online
What is lobbying? How does it work? Starting February 2 Leiden University professors, Jaap de Jong and Arco Timmermans will introduce high school students to the language of lobbying. Digital classes together with a teacher's kit will be available in Dutch from February.
What is lobbying? How does it work? Which forms of lobbying are there? How to best bring your message across? Which rhetorical techniques are there? And how will the public react? In short: how to win with a compelling narrative.
Jaap de Jong, professor Journalism and New media, and Acro Timmermans, endowed professor Public affairs will take students into the world and language of lobbying through Greta Thunberg. How does she manage her message? How do people react and how can you start a convincing lobby yourself?
Digital guest classes
Digital guest classes are available in Dutch. More information about those classes can be found here: retorica van de lobby (in Dutch).