Annual public ILS Lecture: Jurisdiction and the Territorialisation of the Extraterritorial
On Monday 10 February 2020, guest lecturer Prof. Dr. Cedric Ryngaert (Utrecht University) will deliver a lecture on ‘Jurisdiction and the Territorialisation of the Extraterritorial’. This event is hosted by the ‘Interaction between Legal Systems 2.0’ (ILS) projects ‘Policing the high seas’ and SOLID.
The principle of territoriality remains the cornerstone of the international law of jurisdiction, even in an era of increasing international interdependence and deterritorialisation. To regulate transnational phenomena, states increasingly resort to a territorialisation of the extraterritorial. Making use of the objective (effects-based) and subjective (conduct-based) incarnations of the territoriality principle, they frame transnational and even foreign activities and offenses in such a way that they fall within the remit of domestic law, even if in reality they only have tenuous territorial connections. Territoriality is instrumentalised, and a point may be reached where territoriality becomes just an illusory or metaphysical concept. At the same time, however, territorialisation of the extraterritorial can be a potent tool to address global governance challenges which are insufficiently regulated and enforced at the international level.
Cedric Ryngaert is Professor of Public International Law at Utrecht University. He is the leader of the UU-Master public international law. Between 2010 and 2013 he carried out research concerning non-state actors on the basis of a subsidy provided by NWO (VENI). Between 2013 and 2018 he headed two research projects concerning jurisdiction, on the basis of subsidies provided by NWO (VIDI) and the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant). In these projects, he examined to what extent states and regional organizations can apply their own legislation beyond their borders with a view to realizing international values. His published work includes Jurisdiction in International Law (2nd ed)(OUP 2015) and Unilateral Jurisdiction and Global Values (Eleven 2015).
This event takes place on Monday 10 February 2020 in the Gravensteen (room 0.11) from 16:00 – 17:30 hrs. Everyone is welcome and is kindly requested to register here. The programme of this event can be found here. Afterwards, there will be opportunity to discuss the content at the reception in the Faculty Club.
For more information on ILS 2.0, please visit our website.