The SyRI Judgment: A conversation with Jelle Klaas, litigation director of NJCM and plaintiff’s attorney
The District Court of The Hague announced its judgment on 5 February in the case of SyRI (Systeem Risico Indicatie). Two writers, Privacy rights groups, civil rights lawyers and the largest national labour union had rallied to fight this controversial surveillance system, created and used by the Dutch government to detect tax and welfare fraud.

SyRI (older then Apple’s assistant Siri) has a legal foundation in a special SyRI act. The court found this act inapplicable because it violates the right of private life in Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The verdict attracted attention from around the world.
eLaw (Center for Law and Digital Technologies) is extremely happy that Jelle Klaas, litigation director of NJCM (Dutch Lawyers’ Committee on Human Rights) and plaintiff’s attorney on SyRI, will visit Leiden University on 20 March to share his experience and legal insights. There will be the opportunity to ask him questions.
It is highly likely that the State will file an appeal, though this is not yet clear. Due to the time-limited possibility to file an appeal, it will definitely be known by 20 March.
eLaw invites anyone who is interested to join us on Friday March 20, 13.30 - 15.00, Leiden law School, Kamerlingh Onnes Building, room A0.51.