Successful interdisciplinary course on children’s rights in Chile
From 2 to 17 January, Leiden University co-organised an interdisciplinary course on children’s rights, that took place at the Centre for Studies on Justice and Society at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
The Centre for Studies on Justice and Society at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile organised, together with Leiden University, a successful interdisciplinary course on children’s rights. The course was structured (amongst others) around the development of childhood and adolescence in legal theory, sociology and politicology, and the monitoring of the implementation of international children’s rights. The programme can be found here.

Leiden’s involvement in the course builds on similar programmes organised by Leiden University as part of the Frontiers of Children’s Rights Summer School held in Leiden every year and regional editions organised in Jakarta (in 2017) and in the Caribbean (in 2018).
The course provided legal professionals, as well as professionals from other relevant areas such as social sciences, health, education, psychology, sociology, social work and public policies with up-to-date knowledge on children’s rights and cutting-edge practices observed in the field. Prof. dr. Ton Liefaard was one of the teachers of the course and looks back on a successful interdisciplinary course, with highly interesting lectures and inspiring discussions.