Digital Transformation: how do children perceive computer science?
Contribute to shaping the content and methods of future computer science education. That is what researchers hope to achieve with the Digital Transformation Research project. The Swiss National Science Foundation awarded 544,000 euros to this four-year project in December. The project will map the ideas about computer science and programming of children in primary school. Leiden University is involved in this project.
Important contribution
The research focuses on students' ideas of computer science in everyday life. The researchers also look at the children's skills and the misconceptions they have when programming in different learning environments. The results can make an important contribution to the future design of computer science and programming education.
Collaboration with Switzerland
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) collaborates in this project with the Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz (PHSZ), the ETH Zurich, the Goldau Project School, and the open education initiative 'Project Square'. A new PhD student will be appointed for the project, under the supervision of Felienne Hermans, leader of the Programming Education Research Lab (PERL) at LIACS.