LeidenGlobal course for Research Master's students and PhD candidates
LeidenGlobal course ‘Methodologies in the Social Sciences and Humanities’
This six-week fat course organized by the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies in collaboration with LeidenGlobal allows beginning scholars to develop a critical understanding of methodologies in the social sciences and humanities (SSH).
Methodology refers to the logical and developed coherence between research question, theory and methods. Rather than a fixed set of rules, methodology is based in an ongoing conversation among scholars in the SSH on data collection and analysis. During this course, participants engage in this conversation with their peers as well as experienced researchers in the SSH. Throughout the course, they become acquainted with the main epistemological debates and the choices they need to make and self-critically support in their own research.
Visit the website for more information: LeidenGlobal
Please apply before January 13, 2020.