Last ILS Lunch Seminar of 2019 with Cecily Rose and Eduard Fosch Villaronga
The monthly ILS Lunch seminars bring together colleagues and students from Leiden Law School, providing an informal setting to hear what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. On Thursday 12 December 2019, the final ILS Lunch Seminar of this year takes place. This month, Cecily Rose and Eduard Fosch Villaronga will present their current research.
Cecily Rose is an assistant professor at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies. During this ILS Lunch Seminar, she will give a presentation on “The Role of the Judge Ad Hoc: An Empirical Study of Party-Appointed Judges at the International Court of Justice”. When states litigate before the International Court of Justice (ICJ or Court), they may appoint a judge to the Court if the bench does not already include a judge of their nationality. Judges ad hoc at the ICJ commonly vote in alignment with the arguments made by their appointing states, and they very often author separate or dissenting opinions to make their views known. This phenomenon has generated occasional commentary about why the role of the judge ad hoc exists in the first place, given the importance of the impartiality and independence of the bench. This research project aims to contribute to this body of scholarship by reexamining the rationales behind the role of the judge ad hoc, in light of empirical research about how often they are appointed, who they are, and what they do while serving on the bench. During her presentation, Cecily will discuss both the interviews that she has conducted with judges ad hoc, as well as the quantitative data that she has collected about their role at the ICJ.
The second presentation will be given by Eduard Fosch Villaronga, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher at the eLaw-Center for Law and Digital Technologies since the beginning of this year. His presentation will focus on “Healthcare Robots: Challenges and Opportunities”. In this presentation, Eduard will first map some of the latest advances in robot and AI technologies for healthcare. He will then identify the main regulatory initiatives revolving around robots and AI technologies in the European Union, including the European Parliament Resolution on Civil Law Rules on Robotics 2015/2103(INL) and the Ethics Guidelines from the European High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. Third, Eduard will address particular challenges concerning safety, privacy, data protection (following the European General Data Protection Regulation), and responsibility. He will conclude the presentation by reflecting on the potential implications of these technologies.
This ILS Lunch Seminar will take place on Thursday 12 December 2019, from 13:00 until 14:00 hrs. in KOG A0.28. Lunch is provided and there is no need to register, just join! Please contact our ILS student-assistant to sign up as a speaker at an ILS lunch seminar or visit our website for more news on ILS 2.0.