Dance, poetry and food bring together international students
Practically the whole world came together on International Cultural Night on 29 November. International students got together on this night organised by Meeting Point for Refugee Students and showed their culture through dance, poetry, film and of course food. A great source of inspiration for fascinating discussions.
The theme of International Cultural Night was Crossing Borders. There were dance workshops by LeiDance student dance society, an improvisation lesson and a meditation session. Students read out poems in their native language – and the listeners appreciated how you can understand poetry without even speaking the language. During the opening lecture by Rosaline Spitters (skills lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences) the attendees delved deeper into the phenomenon of community building. With it being Rembrandt Year, those present created their own Night Watch, and International Student Network (ISN) showed documentaries and led a discussion afterwards. And obviously there was food: from falafels to poffertjes and from spring rolls to pilaf. Because nothing is a better ice-breaker than food.
See the photos for an impression International Cultural Night.
Photo above: the organisers and workshop facilitators of International Cultural Night 2019.
Photos: Simone Both