IIASL signs Memorandum of Understanding with UNIDROIT
On Friday 7 December 2019, the International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) of Leiden University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) to further collaborative work on the promotion of the Cape Town Convention and its Protocols, as well as to promote research and scholarships at both institutions.
The MoU was signed by Professor Pablo Mendes de Leon and Mr Niall Buissing on behalf of IIASL, and Professor Anna Veneziano (Deputy Secretary-General) and Mr Hamza Hameed (Leiden alumnus) on behalf of UNIDROIT.
The signing of the Memorandum took place at LUISS University as part of an event organised by Studio Pierallini to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Chicago Convention and ICAO. Mr Pablo Mendes de Leon and Mr Niall Buissing both delivered speeches at the event to commemorate this special occasion.

As part of the MoU, an UNIDROIT-IIASL Fellowship Scheme will be established to allow researchers from IIASL to come to the UNIDROIT Library to conduct their academic research.
UNIDROIT is an independent intergovernmental Organisation with its seat in Rome. Its purpose is to study needs and methods for modernising, harmonising and co-ordinating private and in particular commercial law established between States and groups of States, and to formulate uniform law instruments, principles and rules to achieve those objectives.
The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment standardizes transactions involving movable property, such as airframes, aircraft engines and helicopters.
Photo: from left to right: Mr Niall Buissing (Director IIASL), Professor Pablo Mendes de Leon (Professor Air and Space Law), Professor Anna Veneziano (Deputy Secretary-General UNIDROIT) and Mr Hamza Hameed (Legal Counsel UNIDROIT, Leiden alumnus).