Chastelain-Nobach grant allows Tymon de Haas to enlarge Roman expansion research project
Through the Chastelain-Nobach LUF fund, Classical and Mediterranean archaeologist Tymon de Haas has received a grant for his research on the ecological impact of Roman expansion. He will use this grant to further expand on the case-study that was made possible by the Byvanck LUF fund earlier this year.
Pontine Marshes
Tymon is honored for being selected for the grant. ‘With the Byvanck grant I could field a small expedition to the Pontine Marshes. With a physical geographer and a palaeo-ecologist, we investigated the fills of the ditches and canals of a Roman parceling system (centuriation) through coring in order to reconstruct the landscape and the human activities in it. With the Chastelain-Nobach grant, I am able to further expand this project.’
The research, to be followed up with more extensive field research over the next years, will result in a reconstruction of settlement, land use and vegetation patterns in this former marsh. In a subsequent phase, the project will also be expanded to other centuriations in Italy and the wider Mediterranean. This will contribute to a better understanding of the environmental changes brought about by Roman expansion in Mediterranean landscapes.
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