Ad IJzerman Highly Cited Researcher 2019
Ad IJzerman was elected Highly Cited Researcher in the 2019 Web of Science mapping of research achievements. As defined by the Web of Science team at Thomson Reuters “highly cited researchers are among those who have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple papers, highly cited by their peers over the course of the last decade.” Ad’s highly cited papers rank in the top 1% by citations for the field of Pharmacology/Toxicology.

Some numbers:
- in the Netherlands there are 164 highly cited researchers for all 21 research fields such as economics, physics, plant & animal sciences, next to Pharmacology/Toxicology; with that the Netherlands takes the 7th place after scientific power houses USA, China and UK
-in Pharmacology/Toxicology worldwide there are 140 highly cited researchers
-16 highly cited researchers have Leiden University as their primary affiliation
-all in all 6216 scientists are highly cited researchers, less than 0.1% of all scientists worldwide
Organizations that rank universities worldwide take the list as important metrics for their evaluations.

Highly Cited Researcher 2019