Leiden University as source of inspiration for new Master's programme in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Across Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka there is an urgent need for appropriate educational programmes that develop skills in data science and artificial intelligence. European and Asian experts in Artificial Intelligence education came to Leiden University from 11 to 15 November to agree on a novel curriculum for a master's programme in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.
Joining the digital age
Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka stand to make significant gains from developing good teaching programmes in the area of data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The aim is to modernise the economy, make the transition to a knowledge economy and join the digital age. The Erasmus+ DS&AI project on Curriculum Development in Data Science and AI has been introduced to help achieve this aim.

Novel curriculum
The meeting participants visited the Leiden University Centre of Innovation to experience the use of Data Intelligence and Augmented and Virtual Realities in educational programmes. The week also included meetings with teaching and research staff at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), and visits to the Media Lab, the Media Tech Lab and the Image Lab. The outcome of the meeting is a novel curriculum for a master’s programme in data science and AI, which will be implemented by the Asian universities from academic year 2020-2021.
LIACS hosted the meeting, and is one of the founding members of the DS&AI project, which is coordinated by Director of Education Marcello Bonsangue. Other members of the project are Felienne Hermans (head of the programming education group), Frank Takes (a member of the Teaching Academy), Suzan Verberne, Jan van Rijn and Esme Caubo.
For more information on the Erasmus+ DS&AI project, please contact Marcello Bonsangue, International Relations Coordinator and Director of Education at the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Sciences.