Diverse teams participate in Leiden Science Run
On Saturday 28 September we will be running again, for scholars at risk during the Leiden Science Run. Already 56 teams have registered, from Leiden and The Hague students to scientists and companies. There are still spots left for more teams!
This year's registrations for the Leiden Science Run come from all parts of the university: not only from the Faculty of Science, but also from the close-by LUMC and the Faculty of Social Behavioural Sciences, as well as staff and students from the Faculty of Humanities and the The Hague Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs who will run for student refugee organisation UAF. In addition, many companies from the Leiden Bio Science Park are participating: BaseClear, Mimetas, ZoBio and DuPont. Sponsors Janssen Biologics and Corpus will even join with 8 and 4 teams respectively. Finally, research funding organization NWO is coming to Leiden with several running teams.
A sweet treat for the team with most sponsor money
In addition to a competition for the fastest individual times and fastest team time, teams will also compete in another area: who will collect the most sponsorship money for UAF? A nice prize awaits the winner of that competition: apart from flowers, gratitude and fame, this team will take home a cake for 30 people.
Proceeds for scientists in need
In too many countries, those seeking power and control are working to limit access to information and new ideas by targeting scholars, restricting academic freedom and repressing research, publication and learning. Everyday scholars are threatened and killed. Colleges and universities are pressured and shut down.Tat is why the full registration fee of 25 euros per team and the collected sponsorship money from the teams will this year be donated to the Scholars at Risk programme of UAF.
444 giveaway
Leiden University is 444 years old and is therefore celebrating. The Science Run is therefore not 5 kilometres long this year, but 4.44. The 444 cargo bike will be present during the run, with podcasts about research at the university and the 444 game. In addition, the university will host a giveaway with special 444 gifts in the run-up to the run. Are you curious about the gifts are, or do you want to be eligible? Follow the university on instagram or facebook.
Register up to 24 September
Do you also want to run 4.44 kilometers for a good cause? Gather a team of 4 people and register! Registration will be open until 24 September.
Aftermovie 2018
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