A local perspective on complying with European rules and regulations on air quality
Elena Bondarouk, Assistant Professor at the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs, obtained her PhD on 27 August for her thesis on the local implementation of EU air quality policy. Her research has been included into the 'Europa decentraal' database, a Dutch governmental knowledge centre for queries concerning European law and legislation.
Elena Bondarouk, Assistant Professor at the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs, obtained her PhD on 27 August for her thesis on the local implementation of EU air quality policy. Her research has been included into the 'Europa decentraal' database, a Dutch governmental knowledge centre for queries concerning European law and legislation.
For her thesis, research was done to see how various Dutch municipalities had implemented the European directive Air Quality and why it is that some municipalities are more active in protecting their citizens from air pollution than others.
For a systematic literature study, Bondarouk is also looking into what is known about the success factors of the implementation of European rules in other member states and in other policy domains. Bondarouk emphasises the importance of a local perspective on complying with European European rules and regulations. The question 'How can we explain why Dutch municipalities have different implementation records for the EU directive Air Quality?' forms the basis for her research.
You can read the full article about her thesis (in Dutch) on the Europa decentraal website.