Universiteit Leiden

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Summer School Global and European Labour Law: Labour Law in Flux

From 15-19 July 2019, the department of Labour Law hosted the first Global & European Labour Law Summer School. Participants from 10 different nationalities and 3 different continents joined the Summer School.

The theme of the Summer School GELL was ‘labour law in flux’. In a time of major changes at the labour market, think about digitalization (including platform labour via e.g. Uber, Deliveroo, Helpling, etc.), robotization or Industry 4.0, as well as continuous globalization resulting in globally fragmented services and production processes,  fundamental notions of labour law are being challenged. During the Summer School we explored several of these changes from an international and European labour law perspective. Lectures in the morning provided general introductions to the theme of the day and the laws and (policy) initiatives or the European Union (EU) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) and seminars in the afternoon allowed for more in-depth discussions in smaller groups on particular case positions. On the closing day participants reported back about the discussions in the small group in a plenary discussion session.

The staff-members of the Leiden Law School’s Labour Law department, Hanneke Bennaars, Yvonne Erkens, Beryl ter Haar and Guus Heerma van Voss, were accompanied by guest lecturers Anthony Kerr (University College Dublin) and Izabela Florczak (University of Lodz). The Summer School is part of the departments international teaching programme, which also includes the LLC Global and European Labour Law for Leiden Law School’s exchange students and the Advanced Master Global & European Labour Law.



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