Winner NJV Publication Award 2019: Thijmen Nuninga
Thijmen Nuninga was presented the publication award 2019 by the Dutch Lawyers’ Association (NJV) for the best scholarly article.
His article, entitled Recht, plicht, bevel, verbod, was published in the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk Recht 2018/21 (Dutch Journal of Civil Law). In the article Nuninga examines the limits to a court order. How far can a court order and injunction actually go? Do courts have the freedom to formulate preventive measures or are they bound to substantive law? Nuninga concludes the latter: the remedy follows the law, not the other way round.

The NJV Publication Award is presented every two years for the best scholarly article which has contributed in a broad sense to the development of theory in (Dutch) law.
Read the whole article here (in Dutch).
Stefaan Van den Bogaert and Armin Cuyvers of the Europa Institute received an honourable mention for their article “Brexit & de EU: ‘You can’t always get what you want …’”, RM Themis 2018.