Tymon de Haas receives LUF grant for research on the ecological impact of Roman expansion
Through the Byvanck Fund, Classical Mediterranean archaeologist Tymon de Haas has received a grant of €6,350 for his research on the ecological impact of Roman expansion. He will use this grant to investigate the traces of one of the oldest and best-preserved Roman cadastres, situated in the former Pontine marshes (central Italy).

Environmental changes
In collaboration with colleagues of the Universities of Melbourne, Amsterdam and Groningen he will conduct an initial programme of manual coring aimed at the dating and paleo-ecological sampling of the fills of these traces (ditches and canals).
The research, to be followed up with more extensive field research over the next years, will result in a reconstruction of settlement, land use and vegetation patterns in this former marsh. In turn, this will contribute to a better understanding of the environmental changes brought about by Roman expansion in Mediterranean landscapes.
See for more information about previous research in the region the Minor Centres website.