Master’s Open Day at the Faculty of Humanities
On Friday 15 March, more than 750 students from the Netherlands and abroad visited the Master’s Open Day at the Faculty of Humanities to explore their options.
Michelle, Lotte and Anne (Leiden)
Michelle, Lotte, and Anne are all studying Art History at Leiden University. They visited several presentations and were on their way to the Meet and Greet market to talk to lecturers and current students: ‘The Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media presentation was very elaborate and there was enough time to ask questions. We hope to speak to the presenters at the market. It’s nice that there are current students as they give you a better idea of what the programme is like for students. They say the first semester is pretty though, but you can make it work if you are motivated and work hard.’

Bruno (Peru)
Bruno is a masters’ student from Peru and is enrolled in the pre-masters programme of Linguistics: ‘I am now following four courses in my pre-master. I came to the Master’s Open Day to learn more about the possibilities. I want to combine the specialisations Language & Communication with the new specialisation Applied Linguistics next year. What it is like living in Leiden? ‘I like it so far, although the weather can be quite challenging’, he laughs.

Eline (Leiden)
Eline is a second year student of the bachelor’s programme Russian Studies: ‘I am particularly interested in Linguistics. There is also the master Russian and Eurasian Studies, but I want to focus more on Russian linguistics. I came here today to learn about the possibilities. I had some questions I couldn’t ask during the presentation, so I’m hoping to find someone I can talk to at the Meet and Greet.’
Did you know? Some Leiden minors can give you, on the condition of having successfully completed it, direct admission to certain masters’ programmes. Read more in the e-Prospectus.

Amin and Julia
Amin and Julia were the student presenters of the International Relations specialisation European Union Studies. What made them choose European Union Studies, and how do they like it so far?
Amin: ‘Before starting my master’s in European Union Studies, I completed the pre-master programme. It was very challenging, but if you’re dedicated you can do it. It’s a very international classroom, which is interesting because there are more varied discussions and you are more aware of others. I want to work for one of the EU institutions, preferably for the EU Council. It’s very competitive to get a job there, but I’m a very strong-minded and stubborn person; I won’t give up.’
Julia: ‘For my bachelor’s, I studied Chinese Studies and completed the minor European Union Studies. I’ve always been interested in the EU, especially in how its institutions work and I like that the master’s gives me a better framework about what’s going on. I’d like to combine my knowledge of China and of the EU and work for the Dutch government and focus on foreign affairs and policy making.’