ILS Lunch Seminar with Nienke van Heek and Esther van Ginneken
The monthly ILS Lunch Seminars present the perfect opportunity to unite the different Institutes situated within Leiden Law School. On Thursday 14 March 2019, the next edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars will take place. This time, Nienke van Heek and Esther van Ginneken will present their research.
The first presentation will be given by Nienke van Heek, researcher at the Van Vollenhoven Institute at Leiden University. She will give a presentation on “Reconciliation and national identity in post-Gaddafi Libya”. This presentation builds on recent desk and field research carried out as part of the research project “The Role of Law in Libya’s National Reconciliation”, which addresses major challenges to reconciliation in Libya and has a specific focus on the role of law with regard to these issues. Although the talk will discuss the outline of the research project as a whole, specific attention will be given to the topic of national identity in Libya and the ways Libya’s transitional authorities have dealt with this issue in legislation and constitutional drafts, albeit with questionable results.
The second presentation will be given by Esther van Ginneken, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at Leiden University, on “Prison climate and well-being: Findings from the Life in Custody Study”. The Life in Custody Study (Van Ginneken, Palmen, Bosma, Nieuwbeerta & Berghuis, 2018) was designed to study prison climate and its effects, and included a survey among Dutch adult prisoners across all prisons. The ILS presentation discusses findings from this ongoing research project, with a focus on the relationship between prison climate and well-being: Does it matter for their well-being where prisoners serve their sentence?
This ILS Lunch Seminar will take place on Thursday 14 March 2019, from 12:00 – 13:00 hrs. in KOG B0.13. Lunch is provided at the monthly seminars and there is no need to register, just join! Please contact Daila Gigengack to sign up as a speaker or visit our website for more news on ILS 2.0.