Bram Klievink appointed as Professor at the Institute of Public Administration
The Institute of Public Administration has appointed Dr. Ing. A.J. (Bram) Klievink as Professor at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.
Klievink is currently Associate Professor of Collaborative Digital Governance and Head of the Organisation & Governance section in the Multi-Actor Systems (MAS) department at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at TU Delft. Bram studies governance in digital-induced institutional voids and specialises in collaborative governance arrangements for the digital age. His expertise on this topic focuses on the domains of electronic public services, international trade and logistics, financial cybersecurity, infomobility, smart cities and big data.
Research Projects
In 2013, Dr. Ing. Bram Klievink was awarded a VENI grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Furthermore, Klievink has been and is still involved in multiple European FP7 and NWO projects, in various capacities, including as (co)-PI, project leader, scientific coordination, supervisor and researcher. In addition to Klievink's academic work, he also featured as a board member of the Dutch Alliance for Vital Governance, which is a strategic research alliance for collaboration and knowledge transfer between government organisations and research institutes in the Netherlands. With a PhD degree in technology and public management, Klievinks interdisciplinary research complements the spectrum of governance at the Institute of Public Administration.
The Institute of Public Administration hosted a introductionary meeting on February 12th, where Bram Klievink introduced himself as a new professor at the institute of Public Adminstration, starting at on the first of May 2019. During his presentation, Klievink presented his main research domains. His research regards technology as challenge for government, technology as an opportunity to government and technology as a change to government. The research contains challenges like: ‘How do technological companies operate in an institutional void?’, ‘Can Artificial Intelligence be an opportunity to government? and ‘Can Big-Data be a potential problem to society?’.
As a professor of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Klievink hopes to embed his current research into Public Administration and look at technology and governance from an interdiscplinary perspective and to eventually integrate technology and governance into one research project.
On behalf of the faculty, we want to congratulate Dr. Ing. Bram Klievink with his appointment as a new professor of the institute of Public Administration.