Thesis prizes awarded at New Year’s Reception
During the New Year’s reception on Thursday 10 January 2019 prizes were awarded for the three best (Dutch) master’s theses in 2018.
Kiki Twisk received the prize for the best thesis in 2018 for her thesis “DNA-mengprofielen in strafzaken. Een jurisprudentieonderzoek naar de kwaliteit van de waardering van DNA-bewijs” [DNA mixed profiles in criminal trials. Case law research into the quality of the assessment of DNA evidence]. Her supervisor was Dr M.J. Dubelaar.
The second prize was for Tim van Polanen for his thesis “Slaaf Claas tegen Paulina Heijer. Over de juridische status van slaven op het grondgebied van de Republiek en de 18de-eeuwse rechtspraktijk” [Slave Claas versus Paulina Heijer. On the legal status of slaves on the territory of the Republic and legal practice in the 18th century]. His supervisor was Professor E. Koops.
Jos Meester was awarded third prize for his thesis “De waarheid en niets dan de waarheid? Waarheidsvinding en de legitimatie van het rechterlijk oordeel” [The truth and nothing but the truth? Establishing the truth and the legitimacy of the court judgment]. His supervisor was Dr H.J.R. Kaptein.