ACPA alumna Nicoleta Paraschivescu has released her CD -PARTIMENTI NAPOLETANI, a musical complement to her book Paisiellos Partimenti: Wege zu einem praxisbezogenen Verständnis (SCBS 6), soon to be published by Schwabe Verlag in Basel.
In 2015 Nicoleta Paraschivescu finished her doctorate at Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) with her thesis Die Partimenti von Giovanni Paisiello: Ansätze zu ihrem Verständnis.
She now has recently (Sony, September 2018) released her CD -PARTIMENTI NAPOLETANI. This recording is the musical complement to her book Paisiellos Partimenti: Wege zu einem praxisbezogenen Verständnis (SCBS 6), soon to be published by Schwabe Verlag in Basel.
The CD contains world premiere recordings of 18 partimenti by G. Paisiello, F. Durante and G. Dol and other stirring works for Harpsichord and Violin by Paisiello (Katharina Heutjer, violin).
Extensive information on both these projects including music samples, a short video on Paisiello's partimenti and texts can be found on:

Just as jazz musicians today use lead sheets (indicating only melody and harmony), so classic musicians once used partimenti - figured or unfired bass lines - in order to learn how to improvise and compose at the harpsichord. Giovanni Paisiello (1740-1816) was one of the most famous composers of his time. His «Regole per bene accompagnare il Partimento» were published 1782 in St. Petersburg.