Social Justice Inaugural Lecture by prof Janice Bellace
Professor Janice Bellace (Warthon, University of Pennsylvania) gives the Social Justice Lecture this year. The title of her lecture will be: ‘Social justice, business and labour rights and the role of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to influence corporate behaviour of multinational enterprises.’ The lecture takes place on Monday 22 October 2018 at 4:00 pm in the Lorentzzaal.
On the occasion of professor prof. Paul van der Heijden retirement as Rector Magnificus of Leiden University, the exchange Chair bearing his name on Social Justice was established as a gift. Every October the Social Justice Lecture is held by the chairholder. The Van der Heijden Chair Social Justice has been held in recent years by Lance Compa (Cornell University), Alan Neal (Warwick University) and Frank Hendrickx (University of Leuven). This year Professor Janice Bellace will accept the chair with a lecture on international labor law. It will also be the third lecture in the Masters course International and European Labour Law.

Bellace is an authority in the field of International Labor Law Organization (ILO). From 1995 until 2010, Bellace was a member of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations of the ILO. She was president of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) from 2009 until 2012. Currently, she is the president of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISL&SSL). Both are associations supported by the ILO to promote the study of labor law and employment relations. Bellace was co-general editor of the Comparative Labour Law Journal and serves as an editor at several other leading employment law journals. Her research focuses on labor law and employement relations. Particularly on how human rights concepts in labour law influence the regulations and behaviour of multinational companies. She has published a journal articles on this topics, as well as contrinutions to edited books, of which number of them she was (co-) editor.
All staf members of the law faculty are invited to attend the lecture. A reception will take place afterwards.