Looking back at the well-visited October edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars
Last Thursday, the second ILS Lunch Seminar of this academic year took place. In this successful and well-visited edition, Hans-Martien ten Napel and Mark Leiser both gave very interesting presentations.

Hans-Martien ten Napel gave the first presentation on “Modern Constitutional Practice and the Ideal of Self-Government”. In 2017, Ten Napel received a generous ‘seed money grant for frontier research’ from the ILS profile area. He used this grant to take some time off from teaching and to attend international acclaimed conferences, submerging himself in new ideas. This followed upon his time at Princeton University, where he participated in the meetings of both the James Madison Program and the Program in Law and Public Affairs (LAPA). These programs used two different kind of research methods, both with and without a fixed reference point. At the moment he is working on a new research proposal, applying these two research methods. Next to explaining this approach, Ten Napel described the fundaments of his new proposal, which will examine the notion of self-government within modern constitutional practice.

The second presentation was given by Mark Leiser on “A principle-based response to the #FakeNews crisis”. Fake news is one of the big, contemporary problems of our technological society. Instead of evidence-based news organizations, which can be held accountable when spreading segments which later appear to be untrue, fake news organizations are not subject to any form of regulation. When coming up with a solution to this problem, Leiser explained that news satire organizations, such as The Onion in the US or De Speld in The Netherlands, need to be separated from fake news organizations. By mapping out the problem, describing the legal remedies and explaining the building of a framework which will eliminate fake news stories, Leiser described how he is balancing regulation which will protect against #FakeNews with the freedom of expression.
The next ILS Lunch Seminar will take place on Thursday 8 November 2018, from 13:00 - 14:00 hrs. in KOG B0.31. This seminar will feature presentations from Philippe van Gruisen and Almut Breuer. There is no need to register and lunch is provided.
Would you like to present yourself and your research? Do not hesitate to contact our ILS student assistant! More information can be found on our website.