Frank Takes one of the new Leiden University Teachers' Academy members
Five innovative and excellent teachers have joined the Leiden University Teachers' Academy (LTA). Members of the Academy exchange experiences and share their knowledge and expertise within Leiden University. Frank Takes, assistant professor at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is one of the new members.
The other new members are Roeland Dirks (LUMC), Bram Ieven (Humanities), Joni Reef (Law) and Roeland van der Rijst (ICLON / Science). The LTA now consists of 29 teaching fellows. Each year the faculties nominate lecturers of which four new LTA members are selected, based on criteria such as active involvement in educational innovation and cooperation with teachers outside their own discipline. The winner of the LUS Education Award, this year Roeland Dirks, automatically becomes a Teaching Fellow.
In addition to the opportunity to share and expand knowledge within the LTA, Teaching Fellows receive a grant of 25,000 euros for introducing one or more projects in the field of educational innovation.

Frank Takes
Like many of his fellow members, computer scientist Frank Takes wants to invest in a digital environment for his students. Once this environment is developed in terms of both concept and technology, students are given the opportunity to learn and study together by sharing best practices, for example in the field of coding.