eLaw organizes first Hans Franken lecture
On October 19, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University (eLaw) organized the first annual Hans Franken lecture. The lecture; "Digital law spoken. Justice done?" was given by Corien Prins.

In addition to Hans Franken, the guest of honor at this first lecture, there were more than 100 visitors present. In her fascinating lecture (in Dutch), Corien Prins focused on the digitalization of the judiciary and in particular on how information technology can support the judiciary.
The Hans Franken lecture will be given annually from 2018 onwards by scientists who are involved in developments in the field of technology and law. Hans Franken is emeritus professor of Information Law at Leiden University and is one of the founders of the Department of Law and Computer Science.
Corien Prins is professor of Law and Computerization at Tilburg University since 1994 and founder of TILT — Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society of Tilburg Law School. Until 2008 she was director of TILT, after which she became a council member of the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) from 2008 to 2013.