The festive ILS Lunch Seminar series 2018-2019 kick-off with Geerten Waling and Michael Klos
The monthly ILS Lunch Seminars have become a regular point on the Law School’s agenda and are steadily developing into somewhat of a tradition. During this seminar series, all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to apprehend in a comfortable setting what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on.
On Thursday 13 September in KOG B0.13, the next edition of the monthly ILS Lunch Seminars will take place. The first presentation will be from dr. Geerten Waling on “All politics is personal? The "personalisation" trend in Dutch politics”. In this ILS Lunch Seminar, Waling will share questions and insights from a research in progress into the "personalisation" trend in modern politics. This trend is visible in the attention shift from party to individual party leaders, for example, but also in the increasing popularity and success of individual candidates/MPs. Waling claims that The Netherlands form the ideal laboratory to study processes and transitions that occur throughout the democratic world, such as personalisation, because of the distinct Dutch electoral system and political culture.
The second presentation will be from Michael Klos on “Sovereignty and internet intermediaries: should nation-states be able to censor undesirable content?”, in which Klos will sketch the outlines of his PhD-research on state-censorship on internet intermediaries. Klos shares his preliminary findings over the meaningfulness of state-sovereignty in censoring information (e.g. hate speech, terrorist propaganda and disinformation) on online (social media) platforms. Is state-induced censorship possible or even desirable, if not, what are the alternatives?

Lunch is provided at the monthly seminars. Please contact the ILS student-assistant to sign up as a speaker at an ILS lunch seminar or to register as a visitor to be sure of a sandwich!
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