Successful LACDR Spring symposium 2018
On May 3rd, we had a successful LACDR Spring symposium. Traditionally the Spring symposium is an important platform for our PhD’s. We have highlighting the research activities of our PhD candidates. As Keynote speaker, Prof. dr. Matthias Mayer of the University of Heidelberg has given an interesting lecture.
During the symposium we have selected the best PhD lecturer to represent LACDR at the national PhD competition during the FIGON Dutch Medicine Days in October this year. Congratulations to Rob van Wijk from the division Systems Biomedicines & Pharmacology to be the winner of the oral presentations.
Also congratulations to the winners of the poster prizes:
Division BioTherapeutics:
Mara Leone
Yiheng Zhang
Division Drug Discovery & Safety:
Xue Yang
Brandon Bongers
Division Systems Biomedicines & Pharmacology:
Esmee Vendel
Aline Engbers