Relief of Leiden: University closed
On Wednesday 3 October we will celebrate the Relief of Leiden, so all Leiden University premises will be closed that day. The University premises at our campus in The Hague will remain open (with the exception of Anna van Buerenplein/Leiden University College).
Libraries and Student Affairs
In Leiden, the libraries and the Front Office of Student Affairs will be closed on 3 October.
About the Relief of Leiden
On Wednesday 3 October the city of Leiden will hold its annual festivities to celebrate the Relief of Leiden. This is the day that the city commemorates its citizens' resistance of the seige of Leiden by the Spanish on 3 October 1574. Tradition has it that William of Orange gave the city a university as a reward for the courage demonstrated by the citizens of Leiden.
More information
The festivities start in the weekend prior to 3 October. Consult the website of the 3 October Association for a summary of all the different activities. You can also take part in the 3 October University at Leiden Univesity: public lectures (in Dutch) by leading scholars, this year in the Van der Werffpark. Enjoy the celebrations!