European Network Grant COST: Police Stops
This summer, the COST action "Police Stops" was approved. Professor of Law & Society Maartje van der Woude contributed to the application and she is the expert and researcher involved from the Netherlands.
COST actions are four-year European-funded network grants that aim at bringing together researchers from different European countries around a theme and at stimulating joint applications for international research funding.
The COST action "Police Stops" aims to gain a better insight into the practice of (proactive) police and migration controls in Europe and the effects of such controls on groups in (European) society. With this focus COST action is closely linked to various research projects of Prof. van der Woude, including her NWO VIDI project "Getting to the core of Crimmigration".
The official kick-off meeting of the COST action will be held in Brussels on 19 September.