Leiden in 2019 meeting place for researchers and others interested in Asia
Next year in July Leiden University will receive around 1,500 Asia experts from around the world, for the 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 11). This is the world's biggest Asia meeting. Besides an academic programme, the convention also offers an extensive cultural programme for everyone with an interest in Asia.
After eight successive conventions outside Europe, ICAS is returning to Leiden, where it all started in 1998. That first convention was organised by the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), part of Leiden University. With participants from over sixty countries, this biennial convention serves as a meeting place for academics and professionals from different disciplines.
Academic and cultural programme for ICAS 11
The programme for ICAS 11 is being developed in close cooperation with Leiden University and the city of Leiden. The convention will take place mainly in the Kamerlingh Onnes Building, where the Law Faculty is located. Most of the 300 panel meetings and round table discussions will be held here. There will also be an Asia Fair, where publishers and other Asia-related organisations can show and offer their products and services. Together with various Leiden institutions, a cultural programme is being arranged, including exhibitions at different venues and an Asia film festival in the Sijthoff-Leiden Cultural Meeting Place.
Meeting international colleagues
Paul van der Velde, ICAS secretary at IIAS: ‘We are working hard on the programme, together with the University and the city. It's possible to apply to take part up until 10 October this year. Academics and experts are invited to sign up for the academic programme. Anyone who is interested in Asia can visit the public part of the next year's programme.' He is highly enthusiastic that ICAS is taking place in Leiden again. ‘Our city is known internationally as an important knowledge hub on Asia. This is also a unique opportunity for Dutch Asia experts to meet their international colleagues, so we're hoping for a good turn-out of Asia specialists from Leiden and the rest of the Netherlands.'
ICAS Book Prize
The deadline of 10 October also applies for submitting publications for the ICAS Book Prize (IBP). This prize will be presented during the convention to the best publications and dissertations on Asia. The IBP, the most prestigious prize in this field, has been sponsored by the Asian Library at Leiden University since 2015. Publications can be in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, French or German.
About the IIAS
The IIAS is an international research institute and knowledge exchange platform for the Humanities and Social Sciences. It promotes multidisciplinary knowledge development on Asia and initiates programmes involving Asian and other international partners. IIAS has a fellowship programme and organises conferences, workshops and seminars. The institute functions as a worldwide mediator that brings together academic, cultural and societal institutions in Asia and other parts of the world.
ICAS 11 will take place in Leiden from 16 to 19 July 2019. For more information, please visit the convention website.