First BAIS Alumni Reunion Memorable Success!
On a sunny Saturday on June 9th, the first Alumni Reunion of the BA International Studies took place in The Hague. Organised in Café Schlemmers, a stone’s throw away from a Plein buzzing with students trying to enjoy to the comfortable temperatures, approximately 40 alumni and BAIS staff got together for a day of recollecting pleasant memories, sharing new stories, and ‘gezelligheid’.
Past, present and future
Speakers ranged from the infamous Dr. Griffiths, who remembered all about the good ‘ol days, and explained how the BAIS project came to be. To update everyone on the developments that have been taking place in the BAIS curriculum over the past years, Dr. Augusteijn, current BAIS programme coordinator, joined in. And at last, Sarita Koendjbiharie, still actively involved with all alumni through her alumni dreams series on LinkedIn, provided all present with a reality check: what exactly have alumni been able to achieve with a BA International Studies degree as academic foundation? Much, as it turned out. BAIS alumni are smart, adaptable, and employed in almost every field imaginable.

Establishing a BAIS Alumni network
And, one should not forget to mention they’re also employed all over the world. Albeit this doesn’t make it an easy feat setting-up alumni reunions like these, they will surely be organized in the years to come. With a great atmosphere, many interesting conversations, and an informal gathering that continued in Fiddlers until far after midnight, this first reunion was significant for – now the study itself has earned its tracks – also establishing a useful and well-connected BAIS Alumni network.